Commodore 64/128 Elite Information

Elite was released for the Commodore 64 by Firebird in 1985. Thanks to the increased graphics palette of the C64, this version sported a large number of on-screen colours. In addition, there were a number of missions within the game as well as a large variety of ships and other objects.

In some territories a re-packaged version of C64 Elite was released, labelled Commodore 64/128K Elite. This had the benefit of being issued on floppy disk, with the expected improvement in loading times, but it is not clear whether the extra memory of the Commodore 128 machine was utilised in any way.

An unofficial version of the game, enhanced to utilise the extra capabilities of the Commodore 128 was released by Ullrich von Bassewitz in 1998. Although it looks the same as the C64 version, it has added features such as an autopilot (as an alternative to the docking computer), the ability to sell ship equipment, an Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) system and special cargo contracts

Click on the image to the right to view the complete Commodore 64 Elite package

Click on the image to the left to view the complete Commodore 64/128 Elite package

Playing C64/C128 Elite on your PC

1. Download a Commodore 64 Emulator
2. Download the game from Ian Bell's Elite Page